Baccarat Strategy: Maximising Your Odds of Winning -

Baccarat Strategy: Maximising Your Odds of Winning

season Baccarat has always had a reputation as an elegant and simple casino game among novice and al gamblers. This game continues to be among the favoured classic games in Singapore and Malaysia.

However, despite its relatively simple gameplay, you may find yourself losing your bets more often than winning. Losing is a norm in casinos, but frequent losing streaks may indicate that you are not investing your time searching for the right strategies to boost your odds of winning your baccarat bets.

First, you must invest time conditioning yourself with the right mindset and employing the best betting practices when playing baccarat and other live casino games Singapore. Here are some of them:

Understand the Rules

Before engaging in baccarat betting, it is essential to have a solid grasp of the game’s rules. This classic casino game has different variations, including Chemin de Fer, Baccarat Banque, and Punto Banco, and each variant has a slight difference in rules.


Play Short Sessions

Opting for shorter gaming sessions is one effective strategy to reduce the likelihood of making impulsive decisions and overspending, which can lower your odds of winning and making a profit. This strategy of breaking your gaming sessions into smaller, focused segments can help you maintain a clearer mindset. Furthermore, it lets you stay attentive to the game’s flow, enabling you to make better betting decisions.


Leverage Demo Modes

Diving into real-money Baccarat games requires confidence and skills to ensure profitability. Conversely, engaging in real casino games Singapore without having a good grasp of their gameplay increases your risk for financial losses.

This highlights the need for practice before taking on activities involving real cash. Leveraging demo modes of baccarat is an effective and smart strategy that allows you to familiarise yourself with the game’s rules and mechanics without risking real money.


Look for a Baccarat Game with Fewer Decks

The quantity of decks used for playing baccarat affects the game’s odds and returns. In general, the fewer the decks, the lower the house edge and the higher the chances of winning a bet.

A baccarat game with one-deck shoe provides a 44.68% probability of winning a player bet and a 45.96% chance of winning a banker bet. Meanwhile, a game with a six-deck shoe lowers the odds of winning a bet on the player’s hand by 0.05% and the banker’s hand by 0.11%.


Understand Commission Rates

In baccarat, the house usually charges a commission on any winning Banker bet, as the Banker’s hand (Banco) usually has slightly higher odds of winning than the Player’s hand (Punto). The commission is usually around 5 per cent—but while this might seem small, it can have an impact on your overall profitability over time.


Understand the House Edge and Payout

To maximise your odds of winning, it is imperative to understand the concept of the house edge and payout ratio.

The house edge, also called casino edge, represents the built-in advantage of casinos and indicates the percentage of each bet they keep over the long run. In baccarat, the house edge varies based on casino rules and is relatively loose compared to other casino games. Meanwhile, the payout ratio generally indicates the possible return of your initial stake.

In a general sense, familiarising yourself with the payouts and house edge can help in strategising how to effectively and efficiently engage in baccarat betting activities.

Player Bet 1:1 1.24%
Banker Bet 1:1 1.06%
Tie Bet 8:1 or 9:1 14.36% or 4.85%


BONUS: Utilise the Best Baccarat Systems

Various betting systems have been developed to allow players to employ a structured approach to baccarat betting. While these systems cannot guarantee consistent wins, they offer a way to manage your stakes per bet and potentially capitalise on streaks.

Martingale System

The Martingale system entail doubling your bet each time you lose to recover your losses in just one successful winning bet. But, while this strategy can lead to short-term gains, it can also pose a financial risk. Ineffective employment of the martingale system can result in significant losses due to an exponential increase in bet size if the losing streak persists.


Paroli System

This system is known as the Reverse Martingale system, as it focuses on positive progression. Utilising the Paroli baccarat system involves doubling your bet each time you win and reverting to your initial bet stake after a loss. It is also considered less risky than the Martingale system, as the Paroli betting strategy aims to ride winning streaks.


1-3-2-6 System

1-3-2-6 betting system aims to capitalise on short winning streaks while limiting potential losses. It follows a specific sequence 1-3-2-6, which represents the multiples of your stake per bet. You move one step forward in the number series if you win your bet, and after the fourth round, regardless if you win or lose, you restart the system.


Fibonacci System

This betting system is pretty similar to 1-3-2-6 system, such that it involves using a mathematical sequence as a basis of unit bet. Employing the Fibonacci strategy requires following the sequence where each number is the total of the two preceding units: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on.

The Fibonacci betting strategy aims to return to the starting point with a profit. Hence, if you lose, you move one step forward in the sequence; after a win, you move two steps back.


Labouchere System

Labouchere system, also called the Cancellation System or Split Martingale, is one of the complex baccarat betting strategies. This involves creating a specific sequence of numbers to determine a bet’s stake amount.

To determine your bet, you just need to add the first and last number in your sequence. If you win, you cross off those two numbers and use the new rightmost and leftmost numbers in the sequence. On the other hand, if you lose, you retain the two numbers and add the amount lost to the right-hand side of the arrangement.


Where to Play Baccarat?

88ProBet is the best destination for everyone looking for a reputable Malaysia and Singapore trusted online casino. We offer our customers a multitude of casino games and sports betting markets and provide the best odds, bonus promotions, and payouts to provide them with the best online casino gaming experience. Start playing baccarat today by registering for an account here.